With 100k+ engineers working in France and all over the world, Polytech has a very strong network of graduates. This network is orchestrated by Polytech Alumni, an association founded in 2012 by alumni from all the Polytech schools.

Polytech Alumni was created with a global scope in mind, for a worldwide reach. The association boosts engagement between alumni, and also within organizations. 

Find Polytech Alumni where they are: click on the map

About 10% of engineers from France studied in a school from Polytech group, so there’s a high chance you’ve met (or hired) some already! 

To spotlight alumni, their work achievements or their volunteering engagement, Polytech Alumni collaborates with companies to set up networking events like afterworks, happenings or conferences.

MyPolytechNetwork, the digital platform for Alumni and more!

A digital platform was created in 2018 to scale the engagement even further. This online community, called MyPolytechNetwork, allows visitors to:

  • know about public news or events,
  • check if somebody graduated from a given Polytech school
  • use resources about the Polytech ecosystem

All alumni have an account and have access to advanced services:

  • Full access to the alumni directory, with details for each profile, including work experience, geo location, contacts details, social media profiles and more! (members decide granular privacy for their profiles)
  • Job opportunities: access is restricted to alumni, and they can also post job offers for free. Several paid packages are proposed for companies who want to benefit from reaching all Polytech Alumni